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Claire Henley, Riley Pizza, and Magie Williams
August 26, 2024
PLB researchers and staff participated in the 2024 meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Botany2024.
President Kevin M. Guskiewicz and Plant Biology Chair Andrea Case present awards at the PLB awards ceremony.
June 21, 2024
Outstanding Plant Biology students and faculty recognized across 2024 Plant Biology awards and All-University Awards.
Red Cedar Professors from the College of Natural Science.
April 18, 2024
Shinhan Shiu has been appointed as a Red Cedar Distinguished Professor in the departments of Plant Biology and Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering.  data-contrast="auto">Shiu joins the second cohort of appointees following the award’s creation in 2022.  data-ccp-props="{" 201341983="" :0="" 335559739="" :160="" 335559740="" :259=""> 
Plankton viewed through a microscope. Credit Adobe Stock Image
February 16, 2024
Researchers at Michigan State University and the Carnegie Institution for Science have published a paper in Science detailing a model that connects microscopic biology to macroscopic ecology.