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Support Undergraduate Students

James E. Rodman Botany Scholarship Endowment

The scholarship is to be awarded to an undergraduate major or graduate student selected on the basis of academic achievement, and enrolled in a program of study or research in the plant sciences, broadly construed to include mycology, with a preference for, but not restricted to, the field of Systematics.

Norman A. Good Endowed Student Award

Eligible recipients shall be undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of Plant Biology. Awards may include scholarships and fellowships, summer Plant Biology, research support, funds to support a student's travel to a professional meeting, to bring to campus preeminent scientists in the field who will substantially enrich our student's educational experience, to bring a piece of scientific equipment for promising student research projects.

Plant Biology Undergraduate Scholarship Fund

Provides funding, awarded on a competitive basis each year, to support excellent undergraduate students pursuing research in the department


Support Gradaute Students

E. A. Bessey Memorial Fund

This fund supports graduate students in Plant Biology. Ernest A. Bessey was born in 1877 in Ames, Iowa, the son of the distinguished plant biologist Dr. C.E. Bessey. Ernst earned his PhD at the University of Halle, Germany in 1904. He came to Michigan Agricultural College in 1910 where he served until his retirement in 1946. During his career at this University, he not only served as Head of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, but also became the first Graduate Dean, a post he held between 1930 and 1944. Dr. Bessey was cited in 1956 at the Centennial of the Botanical Society of America as one of the 50 living outstanding botanists.

Dr. Leo W. Mericle and Dr. Rae Phelps Mericle Memorial Scholarship

Recipients of this award indicate the promise of making a professional contribution to the study of the genetics of higher plants. Demonstration of financial need shall be considered, however, it should not be the primary consideration. Special consideration will be given to those studying the effects of ionizing radiation on the genetics of higher plants. Recipients must be studying the genetics of higher plants and be enrolled in one of these departments: Crop & Soil Science, Forestry, Horticulture, Plant Pathology or Plant Biology.

Michigan State University Herbarium Endowment

Awarded to an MSU undergraduate or graduate student, or a student at another institution that is planning to study at the MSU Herbarium, and their research must include a component that is based on herbarium specimens. 

Plant Biology Graduate Summer Fellowship Fund

This fund is for graduate recipients and visiting scholars to provide the costs associated with research which can only be conducted elsewhere. Funds may also be used to support travel to conferences, symposia, and professional meetings which offer unusual educational opportunities.


Support the Department

Department of Plant Biology Discretionary Fund

This fund helps support departmental activities and initiatives, and allows us to better support our extensive community of faculty, students, and staff.

Department of Botany and Plant Pathology Academic Enrichment Endowment Fund

This fund is for graduate recipients and visiting scholars to provide the costs associated with research which can only be conducted elsewhere. Funds may also be used to support travel to conferences, symposia, and professional meetings which offer unusual educational opportunities. 

John H. Beaman Memorial Herbarium Fund

Expenditures from the Endowment will be used to support the MSU Herbarium. The endowment will support collection management salaries and supplies, curatorial expenses, collecting expeditions, specimen digitization or other high priority needs. Expenditures are at the discretion of the Director of the Herbarium as authorized by the Chair of the Department of Plant Biology as administrator of the MSU Herbarium.

Danny Schnell Plant Biology Outstanding Postdoctoral Award

This award is granted by the Department of Plant Biology to postdoctoral scholars in recognition of contributions to research, innovation, mentoring, teaching, and university or community service during their tenure in the Department.