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Welcome 2024 PLB Graduate Students!

By Sara Kraeuter, Caleb Hess

Mussah Assan

Musah Assan


Hometown: Mankessim, Central Region, Ghana
Academic History: BS in Biology Education
from University of Educational Winneba, Ghana
Research Interests: Biology education, model-based learning, visual representation, influencing participation and motivation
Advisor: Tammy Long
Personal Interests: Playing football and volleyball, cooking, traveling to research fields, and listening to music.



Shang-Huan Chiang

Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan
Academic History: BS in Agricultural
Chemistry and MS in Plant Pathology and Microbiology from National Taiwan University
Research Interests: Using bioinformatics tools to analyze plant physiological signals
Advisor: Shinhan Shiu
Personal Interests: Scuba diving, outdoor activities, and trying different foods


Josefa Corpuz

Josefa Corpuz
Hometown: New York City, NY
Academic History: BA in English from UCLA, BA in Biological Sciences from Hunter College
Research Interests: Ecology, economic botany, applied statistics, plant morphology/identification 
Advisor: Lauren Sullivan
Personal Interests: English literature, history (esp. late 18th c. American), classical music, theatre




Erin Cushing

Erin Cushing
Hometown: Lawrence, KS 
Academic History: BS in Biology from Rockhurst 
Research Interests: Making discoveries in plants that can be used to help solve climate change. I am particularly interested in bioremediation. 
Advisor: Rotations 
Personal Interests: Playing and coaching volleyball, playing pickleball.
I love to cook and try new recipes and I make the best banana bread.
I love exploring my city and going to local events, thrifts and festivals.
I am learning French and I have a 1-year streak on Duolingo!




Ronnie Dewberry

Hometown: New York, NY 
Academic History: BS in Horticulture 
from University of Wisconsin-Madison 
Research Interests: Plant Secondary 
metabolism-pigments and nutraceuticals, metabolic engineering, protein characterization, organelle biology 
Advisor: Erich Grotewold 
Personal Interests: Personal stock trading, biking, video games, reading about health trends related to dieting



Ben Feld

Hometown: Southfield, MI 
Academic History: BS from Wayne State University 
Research Interests: Grasses, Prairies, and Invasive Species 
Advisor: Carolyn Malmstrom 
Personal Interests: Exploring, camping, gaming




Chloe Grabb

Hometown: Romeo, MI 
Academic History: BS in Horticulture from MSU 
Research Interests: I am interested in seed biology and my research will be investigating the complex relationships between desiccation 
tolerance, longevity, and rehydration. 
Advisor: Sue Rhee 
Personal Interests: I love growing plants and I have a large collection of houseplants that seems to grow larger by the minute. I’m passionate about outreach and I try volunteer for STEM events whenever I can. I also volunteer most weeks at the Constellation Cat Café.



Chandler Hendrickson

Hometown: Stockbridge, MI 
Academic History: BS in Biotechnology from 
Ferris State University 
Research Interests: Plant metabolism 
Advisor: Daniela Strenkert 
Personal Interests: Videogames, chess, gardening





Jonaid Hossain



Hometown: Narsingdi, Dhaka, Bangladeshz 
Academic History: BS from 
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh 
MS from University of Göttingen, Germany & Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain 
Research Interests: Molecular Biology 
Advisor: Rotating with Eva Farre, Sue Rhee, and Federica Brandizzi




Abby Jensen

Hometown: Kearney, MO
Academic History: BS in Plant Sciences from
University of Missouri-Columbia 
Research Interests: Environmental effects on plant adaptation, molecular genetics, and using applied sciences to connect with Farmers and produce better agriculture.
Advisor: Rotating with David Lowry, Sarah Lebeis, and Bob VanBuren
Personal Interests: Reading, walking, gardening, buying too many things at farmers markets



Jack Pritchard

Hometown: Boulder, CO
Academic History: BS Cornell University, MS University of Michigan, MLA University of Michigan
Research Interests: Restoration ecology, native plant communities, 
and the role of prescribed burning in restoring fire-suppressed 
oak savannas in the Great Lakes region
Advisor: Lars Brudvig
Personal Interests: Ceramics, Backpacking, Fishing, Skiing, Gardening and Pizza!



Taylor Smith

Hometown: Tornado, WV
Academic History: BS in Biochemistry from West Virginia University
Research Interests: Plant metabolism or photosynthetic efficiency
Advisor: Rotations with Bjorn Hamberger, Aleksandra Skirycz, and 
Berkley Walker
Personal Interests: Hiking and paddle boarding





Michael Tang

Hometown: Chicago, IL
Academic History: BS in Biology from 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Interests: I discovered my interest in plant biology and molecular sciences at the Chen Lab au UIUC. I worked on the study of sugar transporters in sugarcane in efforts towards creating ultra productive biofuel. I hope to discover new insights in molecular plant sciences with the potential to improve crop resilience, productivity, or sustainability.
Advisor: Rotations
Personal Interests: Video games, reading, music


Magie Williams

Hometown: Ocqueoc (Native Name: wau-wa-auk), MI
Academic History: BS in PLB and BMB from MSU, MS in Plant and Fungal Conversation, 
Diversity, and Taxonomy from Queen Mary University of London
Research Interests: How plants adapt and evolve to climate change, the role that polyploidization by hybridization has on plasticity and adaptability in a hybrid complex
Advisor: Emily Josephs
Personal Interests: Hiking, seeing shows at the Wharton, rotating hobbies. I love being by the water and I can catch sea lamprey with my bare hands