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Obtaining an Override

Click to access the Plant Biology Override Request Form (MSU NetID and password required)

This form is to be used for Plant Biology Department courses, ones listed as PLB.

For override questions and assistance with using the override form, please contact Sara Kraeuter

Override Request Information:

IMPORTANT:  We cannot "hold" spots for students so you need to wait until your enrollment appointment (the day/time you are allowed to begin enrolling for a particular semester) comes up to submit an override request.  You can find your enrollment appointment by logging into the schedule builder enrollment system found here:  https://schedule.msu.edu/planner.aspx
  • A "Course Restriction Not Satisfied" message may mean that you have not fulfilled the prerequisite requirement(s) (or the computer cannot not identify a prerequisite you took at another institution).  To see what prerequisites are required, visit this site:  https://reg.msu.edu/Courses/Search.aspx.  We normally do not process overrides to waive prerequisite courses so if you have an extenuating circumstance that you believe warrants an exception, you must contact the course instructor and explain your situation.  
  • You'll need to submit a separate request for each course that you need an override for.
  • If you want to take a graduate level course as an undergraduate student or vis a versa, in addition to submitting the override form, you must contact the course instructor for special permission since their approval is required.
  • If a course is "full", you'd need to just set up an alert thru the schedule builder enrollment system, and wait for someone to drop. If the course is an undergraduate graduation requirement or recommended by a graduate student’s PI, contact the instructor.
  • If you have holds on your account, those must be dealt with prior to receiving an override and enrolling into a course.
  • If you are currently taking a course and think that you are going to want to retake it in a future semester, you’d have to wait until your grade is officially posted from the current semester, to enroll again for a future semester.  The system won’t allow you to be enrolled for a course twice, and there isn’t any override that would waive this policy.  Remember too that if you receive a 2.0 or higher grade in a course, that you are not allowed to repeat it for credit at MSU.

Lifelong Education -Guest Student Override Information:

  • ALL Lifelong Education students must submit an override request for any courses that they want to enroll in. We do not have access to your prior coursework so in the comments area on the form, please indicate what prerequisite courses you've taken from other institutions that would fulfill the requirements for the MSU courses. You would need to indicate the course number, name, and the school it was taken at. (ex. CHEM 252 - Organic Chemistry II from ABC college). Not including this information up front, will delay your override request being processed.